ElementList<T extends Element> class

An immutable list containing HTML elements. This list contains some additional methods when compared to regular lists for ease of CSS manipulation on a group of elements.





borderEdge CssRect
Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding + border box in this list. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only
classes CssClassSet
The union of all CSS classes applied to the elements in this list. [...]
read / write
contentEdge CssRect
Access dimensions and position of the Elements in this list. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only
marginEdge CssRect
Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding + border + margin box in this list. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only
onAbort ElementStream<Event>
Stream of abort events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onabort'), read-only
onBeforeCopy ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforecopy events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforecopy'), read-only
onBeforeCut ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforecut events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforecut'), read-only
onBeforePaste ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforepaste events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforepaste'), read-only
onBlur ElementStream<Event>
Stream of blur events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onblur'), read-only
onCanPlay ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncanplay'), @Experimental(), read-only
onCanPlayThrough ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncanplaythrough'), @Experimental(), read-only
onChange ElementStream<Event>
Stream of change events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onchange'), read-only
onClick ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of click events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onclick'), read-only
onContextMenu ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of contextmenu events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncontextmenu'), read-only
onCopy ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of copy events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncopy'), read-only
onCut ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of cut events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncut'), read-only
onDoubleClick ElementStream<Event>
Stream of doubleclick events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondblclick'), read-only
onDrag ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of drag events fired when this element currently being dragged. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondrag'), read-only
onDragEnd ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragend events fired when this element completes a drag operation. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragend'), read-only
onDragEnter ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragenter events fired when a dragged object is first dragged over this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragenter'), read-only
onDragLeave ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragleave events fired when an object being dragged over this element leaves this element's target area. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragleave'), read-only
onDragOver ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragover events fired when a dragged object is currently being dragged over this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragover'), read-only
onDragStart ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragstart events fired when this element starts being dragged. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragstart'), read-only
onDrop ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of drop events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondrop'), read-only
onDurationChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondurationchange'), @Experimental(), read-only
onEmptied ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onemptied'), @Experimental(), read-only
onEnded ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onended'), @Experimental(), read-only
onError ElementStream<Event>
Stream of error events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onerror'), read-only
onFocus ElementStream<Event>
Stream of focus events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onfocus'), read-only
onFullscreenChange ElementStream<Event>
Stream of fullscreenchange events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwebkitfullscreenchange'), @Experimental(), read-only
onFullscreenError ElementStream<Event>
Stream of fullscreenerror events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwebkitfullscreenerror'), @Experimental(), read-only
onInput ElementStream<Event>
Stream of input events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oninput'), read-only
onInvalid ElementStream<Event>
Stream of invalid events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oninvalid'), read-only
onKeyDown ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keydown events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeydown'), read-only
onKeyPress ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keypress events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeypress'), read-only
onKeyUp ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keyup events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeyup'), read-only
onLoad ElementStream<Event>
Stream of load events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onload'), read-only
onLoadedData ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onloadeddata'), @Experimental(), read-only
onLoadedMetadata ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onloadedmetadata'), @Experimental(), read-only
onMouseDown ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousedown events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousedown'), read-only
onMouseEnter ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseenter events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseenter'), @Experimental(), read-only
onMouseLeave ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseleave events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseleave'), @Experimental(), read-only
onMouseMove ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousemove events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousemove'), read-only
onMouseOut ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseout events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseout'), read-only
onMouseOver ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseover events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseover'), read-only
onMouseUp ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseup events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseup'), read-only
onMouseWheel ElementStream<WheelEvent>
Stream of mousewheel events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousewheel'), @Experimental(), read-only
onPaste ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of paste events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onpaste'), read-only
onPause ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onpause'), @Experimental(), read-only
onPlay ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onplay'), @Experimental(), read-only
onPlaying ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onplaying'), @Experimental(), read-only
onRateChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onratechange'), @Experimental(), read-only
onReset ElementStream<Event>
Stream of reset events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onreset'), read-only
onResize ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onresize'), @Experimental(), read-only
onScroll ElementStream<Event>
Stream of scroll events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onscroll'), read-only
onSearch ElementStream<Event>
Stream of search events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsearch'), @Experimental(), read-only
onSeeked ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onseeked'), @Experimental(), read-only
onSeeking ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onseeking'), @Experimental(), read-only
onSelect ElementStream<Event>
Stream of select events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onselect'), read-only
onSelectStart ElementStream<Event>
Stream of selectstart events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onselectstart'), @Experimental(), read-only
onStalled ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onstalled'), @Experimental(), read-only
onSubmit ElementStream<Event>
Stream of submit events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsubmit'), read-only
onSuspend ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsuspend'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTimeUpdate ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontimeupdate'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchCancel ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchcancel events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchcancel'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchEnd ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchend events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchend'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchEnter ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchenter events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchenter'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchLeave ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchleave events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchleave'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchMove ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchmove events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchmove'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTouchStart ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchstart events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchstart'), @Experimental(), read-only
onTransitionEnd ElementStream<TransitionEvent>
Stream of transitionend events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontransitionend'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI), read-only
onVolumeChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onvolumechange'), @Experimental(), read-only
onWaiting ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwaiting'), @Experimental(), read-only
paddingEdge CssRect
Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding box in this list. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only
style CssStyleDeclarationBase
Access the union of all CssStyleDeclarations that are associated with an ElementList. [...]
first ↔ T
Returns the first element. [...]
read / write, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
isEmpty bool
Returns true if there are no elements in this collection. [...]
read-only, inherited
isNotEmpty bool
Returns true if there is at least one element in this collection. [...]
read-only, inherited
iterator Iterator<T>
Returns a new Iterator that allows iterating the elements of this Iterable. [...]
read-only, inherited
last ↔ T
Returns the last element. [...]
read / write, inherited
length int
Returns the number of objects in this list. [...]
read / write, inherited
reversed Iterable<T>
Returns an Iterable of the objects in this list in reverse order.
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
single → T
Checks that this iterable has only one element, and returns that element. [...]
read-only, inherited


add(T element) → void
Adds value to the end of this list, extending the length by one. [...]
addAll(Iterable<T> iterable) → void
Appends all objects of iterable to the end of this list. [...]
any(bool test(E element)) bool
Checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies test. [...]
asMap() Map<int, T>
Returns an unmodifiable Map view of this. [...]
cast<R>() List<R>
Returns a view of this list as a list of R instances, if necessary. [...]
clear() → void
Removes all objects from this list; the length of the list becomes zero. [...]
contains(Object element) bool
Returns true if the collection contains an element equal to element. [...]
elementAt(int index) → T
Returns the indexth element. [...]
every(bool test(E element)) bool
Checks whether every element of this iterable satisfies test. [...]
expand<T>(Iterable<T> f(E element)) Iterable<T>
Expands each element of this Iterable into zero or more elements. [...]
fillRange(int start, int end, [ T fill ]) → void
Sets the objects in the range start inclusive to end exclusive to the given fillValue. [...]
firstWhere(bool test(E element), { T orElse() }) → T
Returns the first element that satisfies the given predicate test. [...]
fold<T>(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, E element)) → T
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value [...]
followedBy(Iterable<T> other) Iterable<T>
Returns the lazy concatentation of this iterable and other. [...]
forEach(void action(E element)) → void
Applies the function f to each element of this collection in iteration order.
getRange(int start, int end) Iterable<T>
Returns an Iterable that iterates over the objects in the range start inclusive to end exclusive. [...]
indexOf(Object element, [ int start = 0 ]) int
Returns the first index of element in this list. [...]
indexWhere(bool test(E element), [ int start = 0 ]) int
Returns the first index in the list that satisfies the provided test. [...]
insert(int index, T element) → void
Inserts the object at position index in this list. [...]
insertAll(int index, Iterable<T> iterable) → void
Inserts all objects of iterable at position index in this list. [...]
join([String separator = "" ]) String
Converts each element to a String and concatenates the strings. [...]
lastIndexOf(Object element, [ int start ]) int
Returns the last index of element in this list. [...]
lastIndexWhere(bool test(E element), [ int start ]) int
Returns the last index in the list that satisfies the provided test. [...]
lastWhere(bool test(E element), { T orElse() }) → T
Returns the last element that satisfies the given predicate test. [...]
map<T>(T f(E element)) Iterable<T>
Returns a new lazy Iterable with elements that are created by calling f on each element of this Iterable in iteration order. [...]
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
reduce(T combine(E previousValue, E element)) → T
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements of the collection using the provided function. [...]
remove(Object element) bool
Removes the first occurrence of value from this list. [...]
removeAt(int index) → T
Removes the object at position index from this list. [...]
removeLast() → T
Pops and returns the last object in this list. [...]
removeRange(int start, int end) → void
Removes the objects in the range start inclusive to end exclusive. [...]
removeWhere(bool test(E element)) → void
Removes all objects from this list that satisfy test. [...]
replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<T> newContents) → void
Removes the objects in the range start inclusive to end exclusive and inserts the contents of replacement in its place. [...]
retainWhere(bool test(E element)) → void
Removes all objects from this list that fail to satisfy test. [...]
retype<R>() List<R>
Returns a view of this list as a list of R instances. [...]
setAll(int index, Iterable<T> iterable) → void
Overwrites objects of this with the objects of iterable, starting at position index in this list. [...]
setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<T> iterable, [ int skipCount = 0 ]) → void
Copies the objects of iterable, skipping skipCount objects first, into the range start, inclusive, to end, exclusive, of the list. [...]
shuffle([Random random ]) → void
Shuffles the elements of this list randomly.
singleWhere(bool test(E element), { T orElse() }) → T
Returns the single element that satisfies test. [...]
skip(int count) Iterable<T>
Returns an Iterable that provides all but the first count elements. [...]
skipWhile(bool test(E element)) Iterable<T>
Returns an Iterable that skips leading elements while test is satisfied. [...]
sort([int compare(E a, E b) ]) → void
Sorts this list according to the order specified by the compare function. [...]
sublist(int start, [ int end ]) List<T>
Returns a new list containing the objects from start inclusive to end exclusive. [...]
take(int count) Iterable<T>
Returns a lazy iterable of the count first elements of this iterable. [...]
takeWhile(bool test(E element)) Iterable<T>
Returns a lazy iterable of the leading elements satisfying test. [...]
toList({bool growable: true }) List<T>
Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable. [...]
toSet() Set<T>
Creates a Set containing the same elements as this iterable. [...]
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.
where(bool test(E element)) Iterable<T>
Returns a new lazy Iterable with all elements that satisfy the predicate test. [...]
whereType<T>() Iterable<T>
Returns a new lazy Iterable with all elements that have type T. [...]


operator +(List<T> other) List<T>
Returns the concatenation of this list and other. [...]
operator ==(other) bool
The equality operator. [...]
operator [](int index) → T
Returns the object at the given index in the list or throws a RangeError if index is out of bounds.
operator []=(int index, T value) → void
Sets the value at the given index in the list to value or throws a RangeError if index is out of bounds.