TouchEvent class

  • @DomName('TouchEvent')
  • @Experimental()
  • @Native("TouchEvent")


TouchEvent(TouchList touches, TouchList targetTouches, TouchList changedTouches, String type, { Window view, int screenX: 0, int screenY: 0, int clientX: 0, int clientY: 0, bool ctrlKey: false, bool altKey: false, bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false })


altKey bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.altKey'), final
changedTouches TouchList
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.changedTouches'), final
ctrlKey bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.ctrlKey'), final
metaKey bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.metaKey'), final
shiftKey bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.shiftKey'), final
targetTouches TouchList
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.targetTouches'), final
touches TouchList
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('TouchEvent.touches'), final
bubbles bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.bubbles'), final, inherited
cancelable bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.cancelable'), final, inherited
currentTarget EventTarget
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.currentTarget'), read-only, inherited
defaultPrevented bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.defaultPrevented'), final, inherited
detail int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('UIEvent.detail'), final, inherited
eventPhase int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.eventPhase'), final, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
isTrusted bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.isTrusted'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
matchingTarget Element
A pointer to the element whose CSS selector matched within which an event was fired. If this Event was not associated with any Event delegation, accessing this value will throw an UnsupportedError.
read-only, inherited
path List<EventTarget>
This event's path, taking into account shadow DOM. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.path'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
scoped bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.scoped'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
sourceCapabilities InputDeviceCapabilities
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('UIEvent.sourceCapabilities'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
target EventTarget
@DocsEditable(), @DomName(''), read-only, inherited
timeStamp double
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.timeStamp'), final, inherited
type String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.type'), final, inherited
view WindowBase
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('UIEvent.view'), read-only, inherited


deepPath() List<EventTarget>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.deepPath'), @Experimental(), inherited
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
preventDefault() → void
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.preventDefault'), inherited
stopImmediatePropagation() → void
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.stopImmediatePropagation'), inherited
stopPropagation() → void
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Event.stopPropagation'), inherited
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.


operator ==(other) bool
The equality operator. [...]

Static Properties

supported bool
Checks if touch events supported on the current platform. [...]