TemplateElement class

  • @Experimental()
  • @DomName('HTMLTemplateElement')
  • @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
  • @Experimental()
  • @Native("HTMLTemplateElement")


Constructor instantiated by the DOM when a custom element has been created. [...]


content DocumentFragment
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('HTMLTemplateElement.content'), final
accessibleNode AccessibleNode
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.accessibleNode'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
assignedSlot SlotElement
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.assignedSlot'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
attributes Map<String, String>
All attributes on this element. [...]
read / write, inherited
baseUri String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.baseURI'), @JSName('baseURI'), final, inherited
borderEdge CssRect
Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding + border box. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only, inherited
childNodes List<Node>
A list of this node's children. [...]
@Creates('NodeList'), @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.childNodes'), @Returns('NodeList'), final, inherited
children List<Element>
List of the direct children of this element. [...]
read / write, inherited
classes CssClassSet
The set of CSS classes applied to this element. [...]
read / write, inherited
className String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.className'), read / write, inherited
client Rectangle<num>
Gets the position of this element relative to the client area of the page.
read-only, inherited
clientHeight int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.clientHeight'), final, inherited
clientLeft int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.clientLeft'), final, inherited
clientTop int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.clientTop'), final, inherited
clientWidth int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.clientWidth'), final, inherited
computedName String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.computedName'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
computedRole String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.computedRole'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
contentEdge CssRect
Access this element's content position. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only, inherited
contentEditable String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.contentEditable'), read / write, inherited
dataset Map<String, String>
Allows access to all custom data attributes (data-*) set on this element. [...]
read / write, inherited
dir String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.dir'), read / write, inherited
documentOffset Point<num>
Provides the coordinates of the element relative to the top of the document. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only, inherited
draggable bool
Indicates whether the element can be dragged and dropped. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.draggable'), read / write, inherited
firstChild Node
The first child of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.firstChild'), final, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
hidden bool
Indicates whether the element is not relevant to the page's current state. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.hidden'), read / write, inherited
id String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.id'), read / write, inherited
inert bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.inert'), @Experimental(), read / write, inherited
innerHtml String
Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element. [...]
read / write, inherited
inputMode String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.inputMode'), @Experimental(), read / write, inherited
isConnected bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.isConnected'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
isContentEditable bool
read-only, inherited
lang String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.lang'), read / write, inherited
lastChild Node
The last child of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.lastChild'), final, inherited
localName String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.localName'), @Returns('String'), read-only, inherited
marginEdge CssRect
Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding + border + margin box. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only, inherited
namespaceUri String
A URI that identifies the XML namespace of this element. [...]
@DomName('Element.namespaceUri'), read-only, inherited
nextElementSibling Element
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.nextElementSibling'), final, inherited
nextNode Node
The next sibling node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nextSibling'), @JSName('nextSibling'), final, inherited
nodeName String
The name of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeName'), final, inherited
nodes List<Node>
A modifiable list of this node's children.
read / write, inherited
nodeType int
The type of node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeType'), final, inherited
nodeValue String
The value of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeValue'), final, inherited
nonce String
@DomName('HTMLElement.nonce'), read / write, inherited
offset Rectangle<num>
Gets the offset of this element relative to its offsetParent.
read-only, inherited
offsetHeight int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.offsetHeight'), read-only, inherited
offsetLeft int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.offsetLeft'), read-only, inherited
offsetParent Element
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.offsetParent'), final, inherited
offsetTop int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.offsetTop'), read-only, inherited
offsetWidth int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.offsetWidth'), read-only, inherited
on ElementEvents
This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
read-only, inherited
onAbort ElementStream<Event>
Stream of abort events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onabort'), read-only, inherited
onBeforeCopy ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforecopy events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforecopy'), read-only, inherited
onBeforeCut ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforecut events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforecut'), read-only, inherited
onBeforePaste ElementStream<Event>
Stream of beforepaste events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onbeforepaste'), read-only, inherited
onBlur ElementStream<Event>
Stream of blur events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onblur'), read-only, inherited
onCanPlay ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncanplay'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onCanPlayThrough ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncanplaythrough'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onChange ElementStream<Event>
Stream of change events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onchange'), read-only, inherited
onClick ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of click events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onclick'), read-only, inherited
onContextMenu ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of contextmenu events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncontextmenu'), read-only, inherited
onCopy ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of copy events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncopy'), read-only, inherited
onCut ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of cut events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oncut'), read-only, inherited
onDoubleClick ElementStream<Event>
Stream of doubleclick events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondblclick'), read-only, inherited
onDrag ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of drag events fired when this element currently being dragged. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondrag'), read-only, inherited
onDragEnd ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragend events fired when this element completes a drag operation. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragend'), read-only, inherited
onDragEnter ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragenter events fired when a dragged object is first dragged over this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragenter'), read-only, inherited
onDragLeave ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragleave events fired when an object being dragged over this element leaves this element's target area. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragleave'), read-only, inherited
onDragOver ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragover events fired when a dragged object is currently being dragged over this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragover'), read-only, inherited
onDragStart ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of dragstart events fired when this element starts being dragged. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondragstart'), read-only, inherited
onDrop ElementStream<MouseEvent>
A stream of drop events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this element. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondrop'), read-only, inherited
onDurationChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ondurationchange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onEmptied ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onemptied'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onEnded ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onended'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onError ElementStream<Event>
Stream of error events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onerror'), read-only, inherited
onFocus ElementStream<Event>
Stream of focus events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onfocus'), read-only, inherited
onFullscreenChange ElementStream<Event>
Stream of fullscreenchange events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwebkitfullscreenchange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onFullscreenError ElementStream<Event>
Stream of fullscreenerror events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwebkitfullscreenerror'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onInput ElementStream<Event>
Stream of input events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oninput'), read-only, inherited
onInvalid ElementStream<Event>
Stream of invalid events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.oninvalid'), read-only, inherited
onKeyDown ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keydown events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeydown'), read-only, inherited
onKeyPress ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keypress events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeypress'), read-only, inherited
onKeyUp ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keyup events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onkeyup'), read-only, inherited
onLoad ElementStream<Event>
Stream of load events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onload'), read-only, inherited
onLoadedData ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onloadeddata'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onLoadedMetadata ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onloadedmetadata'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onMouseDown ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousedown events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousedown'), read-only, inherited
onMouseEnter ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseenter events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseenter'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onMouseLeave ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseleave events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseleave'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onMouseMove ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousemove events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousemove'), read-only, inherited
onMouseOut ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseout events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseout'), read-only, inherited
onMouseOver ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseover events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseover'), read-only, inherited
onMouseUp ElementStream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseup events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmouseup'), read-only, inherited
onMouseWheel ElementStream<WheelEvent>
Stream of mousewheel events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onmousewheel'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onPaste ElementStream<ClipboardEvent>
Stream of paste events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onpaste'), read-only, inherited
onPause ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onpause'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onPlay ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onplay'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onPlaying ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onplaying'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onRateChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onratechange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onReset ElementStream<Event>
Stream of reset events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onreset'), read-only, inherited
onResize ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onresize'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onScroll ElementStream<Event>
Stream of scroll events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onscroll'), read-only, inherited
onSearch ElementStream<Event>
Stream of search events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsearch'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onSeeked ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onseeked'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onSeeking ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onseeking'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onSelect ElementStream<Event>
Stream of select events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onselect'), read-only, inherited
onSelectStart ElementStream<Event>
Stream of selectstart events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onselectstart'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onStalled ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onstalled'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onSubmit ElementStream<Event>
Stream of submit events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsubmit'), read-only, inherited
onSuspend ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onsuspend'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTimeUpdate ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontimeupdate'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchCancel ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchcancel events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchcancel'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchEnd ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchend events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchend'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchEnter ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchenter events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchenter'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchLeave ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchleave events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchleave'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchMove ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchmove events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchmove'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTouchStart ElementStream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchstart events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontouchstart'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onTransitionEnd ElementStream<TransitionEvent>
Stream of transitionend events handled by this Element.
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.ontransitionend'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI), read-only, inherited
onVolumeChange ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onvolumechange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onWaiting ElementStream<Event>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwaiting'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
onWheel ElementStream<WheelEvent>
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.onwheel'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
outerHtml String
read-only, inherited
ownerDocument Document
The document this node belongs to. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.ownerDocument'), final, inherited
paddingEdge CssRect
Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding box. [...]
@Experimental(), read-only, inherited
parent Element
The parent element of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.parentElement'), @JSName('parentElement'), final, inherited
parentNode Node
The parent node of this node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.parentNode'), final, inherited
previousElementSibling Element
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.previousElementSibling'), final, inherited
previousNode Node
The previous sibling node. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.previousSibling'), @JSName('previousSibling'), final, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
scrollHeight int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollHeight'), read-only, inherited
scrollLeft int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollLeft'), read / write, inherited
scrollTop int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollTop'), read / write, inherited
scrollWidth int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollWidth'), read-only, inherited
shadowRoot ShadowRoot
The shadow root of this shadow host. [...]
@DomName('Element.shadowRoot'), @Experimental(), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25'), read-only, inherited
slot String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.slot'), @Experimental(), read / write, inherited
spellcheck bool
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.spellcheck'), @Experimental(), read / write, inherited
style CssStyleDeclaration
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.style'), final, inherited
styleMap StylePropertyMap
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.styleMap'), @Experimental(), final, inherited
tabIndex int
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.tabIndex'), read / write, inherited
tagName String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.tagName'), final, inherited
text String
All text within this node and its descendents. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.textContent'), @JSName('textContent'), read / write, inherited
title String
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.title'), read / write, inherited
translate bool
Specifies whether this element's text content changes when the page is localized. [...]
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.translate'), @Experimental(), read / write, inherited


setInnerHtml(String html, { NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer }) → void
An override to place the contents into content rather than as child nodes. [...]
addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [ bool useCapture ]) → void
after(Object nodes) → void
@DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.after'), @Experimental(), inherited
animate(Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> frames, [ dynamic timing ]) Animation
  • Creates a new AnimationEffect object whose target element is the object
  • on which the method is called, and calls the play() method of the
  • AnimationTimeline object of the document timeline of the node document
  • of the element, passing the newly created AnimationEffect as the argument
  • to the method. Returns an Animation for the effect.
  • Examples
  • var animation = elem.animate([{"opacity": 75}, {"opacity": 0}], 200);
  • var animation = elem.animate([
  •   {"transform": "translate(100px, -100%)"},
  •   {"transform" : "translate(400px, 500px)"}
  • ], 1500);
  • The frames parameter is an Iterable, where the
  • map entries specify CSS animation effects. The
  • timing paramter can be a double, representing the number of milliseconds
  • for the transition, or a Map with fields corresponding to those
  • of the Timing object.
  • @Experimental(), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '36'), inherited
    append(Node node) Node
    Adds a node to the end of the child nodes list of this node. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.appendChild'), @JSName('appendChild'), inherited
    appendHtml(String text, { NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer }) → void
    Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the last child of this element.
    appendText(String text) → void
    Adds the specified text after the last child of this element.
    attached() → void
    Called by the DOM when this element has been inserted into the live document. [...]
    @Experimental(), inherited
    attachShadow(Map shadowRootInitDict) ShadowRoot
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.attachShadow'), @Experimental(), inherited
    attributeChanged(String name, String oldValue, String newValue) → void
    Called by the DOM whenever an attribute on this has been changed.
    before(Object nodes) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.before'), @Experimental(), inherited
    blur() → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.blur'), inherited
    click() → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.click'), inherited
    clone(bool deep) Node
    Returns a copy of this node. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.cloneNode'), @JSName('cloneNode'), inherited
    closest(String selectors) Element
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.closest'), @Experimental(), inherited
    contains(Node other) bool
    Returns true if this node contains the specified node. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.contains'), inherited
    createFragment(String html, { NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer }) DocumentFragment
    Create a DocumentFragment from the HTML fragment and ensure that it follows the sanitization rules specified by the validator or treeSanitizer. [...]
    createShadowRoot() ShadowRoot
    Creates a new shadow root for this shadow host. [...]
    @DomName('Element.createShadowRoot'), @Experimental(), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25'), inherited
    detached() → void
    Called by the DOM when this element has been removed from the live document. [...]
    @Experimental(), inherited
    dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('EventTarget.dispatchEvent'), inherited
    enteredView() → void
    Deprecated*: override attached instead.
    @Experimental(), inherited
    focus() → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.focus'), inherited
    getAnimations() List<Animation>
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getAnimations'), @Experimental(), inherited
    getAttribute(String name) String
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getAttribute'), @Experimental(), inherited
    getAttributeNames() List<String>
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getAttributeNames'), @Experimental(), inherited
    getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) String
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getAttributeNS'), @Experimental(), inherited
    getBoundingClientRect() Rectangle<num>
    Returns the smallest bounding rectangle that encompasses this element's padding, scrollbar, and border. [...]
    @Creates('_DomRect'), @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getBoundingClientRect'), @Returns('_DomRect|Null'), inherited
    getClientRects() List<Rectangle<num>>
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getClientRects'), inherited
    getComputedStyle([String pseudoElement ]) CssStyleDeclaration
    The set of all CSS values applied to this element, including inherited and default values. [...]
    getDestinationInsertionPoints() List<Node>
    Returns a list of shadow DOM insertion points to which this element is distributed. [...]
    @Creates('NodeList'), @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getDestinationInsertionPoints'), @Experimental(), @Returns('NodeList|Null'), inherited
    getElementsByClassName(String classNames) List<Node>
    Returns a list of nodes with the given class name inside this element. [...]
    @Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection'), @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.getElementsByClassName'), @Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection'), inherited
    getNamespacedAttributes(String namespace) Map<String, String>
    Gets a map for manipulating the attributes of a particular namespace. [...]
    getRootNode([Map options ]) Node
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.getRootNode'), @Experimental(), inherited
    hasChildNodes() bool
    Returns true if this node has any children. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.hasChildNodes'), inherited
    hasPointerCapture(int pointerId) bool
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.hasPointerCapture'), @Experimental(), inherited
    insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) Element
    Inserts element into the DOM at the specified location. [...]
    insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String html, { NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer }) → void
    Parses text as an HTML fragment and inserts it into the DOM at the specified location. [...]
    insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) → void
    Inserts text into the DOM at the specified location. [...]
    insertAllBefore(Iterable<Node> newNodes, Node refChild) Node
    Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild. [...]
    insertBefore(Node node, Node child) Node
    Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.insertBefore'), inherited
    leftView() → void
    Deprecated*: override detached instead.
    @Experimental(), inherited
    matches(String selectors) bool
    Checks if this element matches the CSS selectors.
    @Experimental(), inherited
    matchesWithAncestors(String selectors) bool
    Checks if this element or any of its parents match the CSS selectors.
    @Experimental(), inherited
    noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
    Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
    offsetTo(Element parent) Point<num>
    Provides the offset of this element's borderEdge relative to the specified parent. [...]
    @Experimental(), inherited
    querySelector(String selectors) Element
    Finds the first descendant element of this element that matches the specified group of selectors. [...]
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.querySelector'), inherited
    querySelectorAll<T extends Element>(String selectors) ElementList<T>
    Finds all descendent elements of this element that match the specified group of selectors. [...]
    @DomName('Element.querySelectorAll'), inherited
    releasePointerCapture(int pointerId) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.releasePointerCapture'), @Experimental(), inherited
    remove() → void
    Removes this node from the DOM.
    @DomName('Node.removeChild'), inherited
    removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [ bool useCapture ]) → void
    replaceWith(Node otherNode) Node
    Replaces this node with another node.
    @DomName('Node.replaceChild'), inherited
    requestFullscreen() → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.requestFullscreen'), @Experimental(), inherited
    requestPointerLock() → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.requestPointerLock'), @Experimental(), inherited
    scroll([dynamic options_OR_x, num y ]) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scroll'), @Experimental(), inherited
    scrollBy([dynamic options_OR_x, num y ]) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollBy'), @Experimental(), inherited
    scrollIntoView([ScrollAlignment alignment ]) → void
    Scrolls this element into view. [...]
    scrollTo([dynamic options_OR_x, num y ]) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.scrollTo'), @Experimental(), inherited
    setApplyScroll(ScrollStateCallback scrollStateCallback, String nativeScrollBehavior) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.setApplyScroll'), @Experimental(), inherited
    setAttribute(String name, String value) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.setAttribute'), inherited
    setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String name, String value) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.setAttributeNS'), inherited
    setDistributeScroll(ScrollStateCallback scrollStateCallback, String nativeScrollBehavior) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.setDistributeScroll'), @Experimental(), inherited
    setPointerCapture(int pointerId) → void
    @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Element.setPointerCapture'), @Experimental(), inherited
    toString() String
    The string representation of this element. [...]


    operator ==(dynamic other) bool
    The equality operator. [...]

    Static Properties

    supported bool
    Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.