toString method
Returns a string representation of this Duration.
Returns a string with hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds, in the
following format: H:MM:SS.mmmmmm
. For example,
var d = const Duration(days: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 33, microseconds: 500);
print(d.toString()); // 25:33:00.000500
d = const Duration(hours: 1, minutes: 10, microseconds: 500);
print(d.toString()); // 1:10:00.000500
String toString() {
var microseconds = inMicroseconds;
var sign = "";
var negative = microseconds < 0;
var hours = microseconds ~/ microsecondsPerHour;
microseconds = microseconds.remainder(microsecondsPerHour);
// Correcting for being negative after first division, instead of before,
// to avoid negating min-int, -(2^31-1), of a native int64.
if (negative) {
hours = 0 - hours; // Not using `-hours` to avoid creating -0.0 on web.
microseconds = 0 - microseconds;
sign = "-";
var minutes = microseconds ~/ microsecondsPerMinute;
microseconds = microseconds.remainder(microsecondsPerMinute);
var minutesPadding = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "";
var seconds = microseconds ~/ microsecondsPerSecond;
microseconds = microseconds.remainder(microsecondsPerSecond);
var secondsPadding = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "";
// Padding up to six digits for microseconds.
var microsecondsText = microseconds.toString().padLeft(6, "0");
return "$sign$hours:"