parse static method

int parse(
  1. String source, {
  2. int? radix,

Parse source as a, possibly signed, integer literal and return its value.

The source must be a non-empty sequence of base-radix digits, optionally prefixed with a minus or plus sign ('-' or '+').

The radix must be in the range 2..36. The digits used are first the decimal digits 0..9, and then the letters 'a'..'z' with values 10 through 35. Also accepts upper-case letters with the same values as the lower-case ones.

If no radix is given then it defaults to 10. In this case, the source digits may also start with 0x, in which case the number is interpreted as a hexadecimal integer literal, When int is implemented by 64-bit signed integers, hexadecimal integer literals may represent values larger than 263, in which case the value is parsed as if it is an unsigned number, and the resulting value is the corresponding signed integer value.

For any int n and valid radix r, it is guaranteed that n == int.parse(n.toRadixString(r), radix: r).

If the source string does not contain a valid integer literal, optionally prefixed by a sign, a FormatException is thrown.

Rather than throwing and immediately catching the FormatException, instead use tryParse to handle a potential parsing error.


var value = int.tryParse(text);
if (value == null) {
  // handle the problem
  // ...


external static int parse(String source, {int? radix});