ParallelWaitError<V, E> constructor

ParallelWaitError<V, E>(
  1. V values,
  2. E errors, {
  3. @Since("3.4") int? errorCount,
  4. @Since("3.4") AsyncError? defaultError,

Creates error with the provided values and errors.

If defaultError is provided, its AsyncError.error is used in the toString of this parallel error, and its AsyncError.stackTrace is returned by stackTrace.

If errorCount is provided, and it's greater than one, the number is reported in the toString.


ParallelWaitError(this.values, this.errors,
    {@Since("3.4") int? errorCount, @Since("3.4") AsyncError? defaultError})
    : _defaultError = defaultError,
      _errorCount = errorCount;