Uri.http constructor

  1. String authority, [
  2. String unencodedPath,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters

Creates a new http URI from authority, path and query.


var uri = Uri.http('example.org', '/path', { 'q' : 'dart' });
print(uri); // http://example.org/path?q=dart

uri = Uri.http('user:password@localhost:8080', '');
print(uri); // http://user:password@localhost:8080

uri = Uri.http('example.org', 'a b');
print(uri); // http://example.org/a%20b

uri = Uri.http('example.org', '/a%2F');
print(uri); // http://example.org/a%252F

The scheme is always set to http.

The userInfo, host and port components are set from the authority argument. If authority is null or empty, the created Uri has no authority, and isn't directly usable as an HTTP URL, which must have a non-empty host.

The path component is set from the unencodedPath argument. The path passed must not be encoded as this constructor encodes the path. Only / is recognized as path separator. If omitted, the path defaults to being empty.

The query component is set from the optional queryParameters argument.


factory Uri.http(
  String authority, [
  String unencodedPath,
  Map<String, dynamic /*String?|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters,
]) = _Uri.http;