enableTimelineLogging property

bool get enableTimelineLogging

Current state of HTTP request logging from all HttpClients to the developer timeline.

Default is false.


static bool get enableTimelineLogging => _enableTimelineLogging;
set enableTimelineLogging (bool value)

Enable logging of HTTP requests from all HttpClients to the developer timeline.

Default is false.


static set enableTimelineLogging(bool value) {
  final enabled = valueOfNonNullableParamWithDefault<bool>(value, false);
  if (enabled != _enableTimelineLogging) {
    if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
      postEvent('HttpTimelineLoggingStateChange', {
        'isolateId': Service.getIsolateID(Isolate.current),
        'enabled': enabled,
  _enableTimelineLogging = enabled;