toJS property

JSInt16Array get toJS

Converts this Int16List to a JSInt16Array by either casting, unwrapping, or cloning the Int16List.


Depending on whether code is compiled to JavaScript or Wasm, this conversion will have different semantics. When compiling to JavaScript, all typed lists are the equivalent JavaScript typed arrays, and therefore this method simply casts. When compiling to Wasm, this Int16List may or may not be a wrapper depending on if it was converted from JavaScript or instantiated in Dart. If it's a wrapper, this method unwraps it. If it's instantiated in Dart, this method clones this Int16List's values into a new JSInt16Array. Avoid assuming that modifications to this Int16List will affect the JSInt16Array and vice versa unless it was instantiated in JavaScript.


external JSInt16Array get toJS;