A Zone represents the asynchronous version of a dynamic extent. Asynchronous callbacks are executed in the zone they have been queued in. For example, the callback of a future.then is executed in the same zone as the one where the then was invoked.



The root zone that is implicitly created.

Static Properties

current Zone


errorZone Zone

The error zone is the one that is responsible for dealing with uncaught errors. Errors are not allowed to cross between zones with different error-zones.

parent Zone

Returns the parent zone.


operator [](Object key) → dynamic

Retrieves the zone-value associated with key.


bindBinaryCallback(dynamic f(arg1, arg2), {bool runGuarded: true}) → ZoneBinaryCallback

Equivalent to:

bindCallback(dynamic f(), {bool runGuarded: true}) → ZoneCallback

Equivalent to:

bindUnaryCallback(dynamic f(arg), {bool runGuarded: true}) → ZoneUnaryCallback

Equivalent to:

createPeriodicTimer(Duration period, void callback(Timer timer)) → Timer

Creates a periodic Timer where the callback is executed in this zone.

createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()) → Timer

Creates a Timer where the callback is executed in this zone.

errorCallback(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) → AsyncError

Intercepts errors when added programmtically to a Future or Stream.

fork({ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues}) → Zone

Creates a new zone as a child of this.

handleUncaughtError(error, StackTrace stackTrace) → dynamic

inSameErrorZone(Zone otherZone) → bool

Returns true if this and otherZone are in the same error zone.

print(String line) → void

Prints the given line.

registerBinaryCallback(dynamic callback(arg1, arg2)) → ZoneBinaryCallback

Registers the given callback in this zone.

registerCallback(dynamic callback()) → ZoneCallback

Registers the given callback in this zone.

registerUnaryCallback(dynamic callback(arg)) → ZoneUnaryCallback

Registers the given callback in this zone.

run(dynamic f()) → dynamic

Executes the given function f in this zone.

runBinary(dynamic f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) → dynamic

Executes the given callback f with argument arg1 and arg2 in this zone.

runBinaryGuarded(dynamic f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) → dynamic

Executes the given callback f in this zone.

runGuarded(dynamic f()) → dynamic

Executes the given function f in this zone.

runUnary(dynamic f(arg), arg) → dynamic

Executes the given callback f with argument arg in this zone.

runUnaryGuarded(dynamic f(arg), arg) → dynamic

Executes the given callback f in this zone.

scheduleMicrotask(void f()) → void

Runs f asynchronously in this zone.