Zone fork(
{ZoneSpecification specification,
Map zoneValues}

Creates a new zone as a child of this.

The new zone will have behavior like the current zone, except where overridden by functions in specification.

The new zone will have the same stored values (accessed through operator []) as this zone, but updated with the keys and values in zoneValues. If a key is in both this zone's values and in zoneValues, the new zone will use the value from zoneValues`.


 * Creates a new zone as a child of `this`.
 * The new zone will have behavior like the current zone, except where
 * overridden by functions in [specification].
 * The new zone will have the same stored values (accessed through
 * `operator []`) as this zone, but updated with the keys and values
 * in [zoneValues]. If a key is in both this zone's values and in
 * `zoneValues`, the new zone will use the value from `zoneValues``.
Zone fork({ ZoneSpecification specification,
            Map zoneValues });