ZoneCallback registerCallback(
dynamic callback()

Registers the given callback in this zone.

It is good practice to register asynchronous or delayed callbacks before invoking run. This gives the zone a chance to wrap the callback and to store information with the callback. For example, a zone may decide to store the stack trace (at the time of the registration) with the callback.

Returns a potentially new callback that should be used in place of the given callback.


 * Registers the given callback in this zone.
 * It is good practice to register asynchronous or delayed callbacks before
 * invoking [run]. This gives the zone a chance to wrap the callback and
 * to store information with the callback. For example, a zone may decide
 * to store the stack trace (at the time of the registration) with the
 * callback.
 * Returns a potentially new callback that should be used in place of the
 * given [callback].
ZoneCallback registerCallback(callback());