This class wraps zones for delegation.

When forwarding to parent zones one can't just invoke the parent zone's exposed functions (like, but one needs to provide more information (like the zone the run was initiated). Zone callbacks thus receive more information including this ZoneDelegate class. When delegating to the parent zone one should go through the given instance instead of directly invoking the parent zone.




createPeriodicTimer(Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer)) → Timer

createTimer(Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()) → Timer

errorCallback(Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) → AsyncError

fork(Zone zone, ZoneSpecification specification, Map zoneValues) → Zone

handleUncaughtError(Zone zone, error, StackTrace stackTrace) → dynamic

print(Zone zone, String line) → void

registerBinaryCallback(Zone zone, dynamic f(arg1, arg2)) → ZoneBinaryCallback

registerCallback(Zone zone, dynamic f()) → ZoneCallback

registerUnaryCallback(Zone zone, dynamic f(arg)) → ZoneUnaryCallback

run(Zone zone, dynamic f()) → dynamic

runBinary(Zone zone, dynamic f(arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2) → dynamic

runUnary(Zone zone, dynamic f(arg), arg) → dynamic

scheduleMicrotask(Zone zone, dynamic f()) → void