ChunkedConversionSink<Object> startChunkedConversion(
Sink<String> sink

Starts a chunked conversion.

The converter works more efficiently if the given sink is a StringConversionSink.

Returns a chunked-conversion sink that accepts at most one object. It is an error to invoke add more than once on the returned sink.


 * Starts a chunked conversion.
 * The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a
 * [StringConversionSink].
 * Returns a chunked-conversion sink that accepts at most one object. It is
 * an error to invoke `add` more than once on the returned sink.
ChunkedConversionSink<Object> startChunkedConversion(Sink<String> sink) {
  if (sink is! StringConversionSink) {
    sink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink);
  } else if (sink is _Utf8EncoderSink) {
    return new _JsonUtf8EncoderSink(sink._sink, _toEncodable,
  return new _JsonEncoderSink(sink, _toEncodable, indent);