This class provides an interface for converters to efficiently transmit String data.

Instead of limiting the interface to one non-chunked String it accepts partial strings or can be transformed into a byte sink that accepts UTF-8 code units.

This abstract class will likely get more methods over time. Implementers are urged to extend StringConversionSinkBase or to mix in StringConversionSinkMixin, to ensure that their class covers the newly added methods.

Implemented by



StringConversionSink.from(Sink<String> sink)

StringConversionSink.fromStringSink(StringSink sink)

Creates a new instance wrapping the given sink.

StringConversionSink.withCallback(void callback(String accumulated))


add(String chunk) → void

Adds chunked data to this sink.

addSlice(String chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) → void

Adds the next chunk to this.

asStringSink() → ClosableStringSink

Returns this as a ClosableStringSink.

asUtf8Sink(bool allowMalformed) → ByteConversionSink

Returns this as a sink that accepts UTF-8 input.

close() → void

Closes the sink.