bool operator ==(

Returns true if other is a DateTime at the same moment and in the same time zone (UTC or local).

DateTime dDayUtc   = new DateTime.utc(1944, DateTime.JUNE, 6);
DateTime dDayLocal = new DateTime(1944, DateTime.JUNE, 6);

assert(dDayUtc.isAtSameMomentAs(dDayLocal) == false);

See isAtSameMomentAs for a comparison that adjusts for time zone.


 * Returns true if [other] is a [DateTime] at the same moment and in the
 * same time zone (UTC or local).
 *     DateTime dDayUtc   = new DateTime.utc(1944, DateTime.JUNE, 6);
 *     DateTime dDayLocal = new DateTime(1944, DateTime.JUNE, 6);
 *     assert(dDayUtc.isAtSameMomentAs(dDayLocal) == false);
 * See [isAtSameMomentAs] for a comparison that adjusts for time zone.
bool operator ==(other) {
  if (!(other is DateTime)) return false;
  return (millisecondsSinceEpoch == other.millisecondsSinceEpoch &&
          isUtc == other.isUtc);