String toIso8601String( )

Returns an ISO-8601 full-precision extended format representation.

The format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ for UTC time, and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sss (no trailing "Z") for local/non-UTC time, where:

  • yyyy is a, possibly negative, four digit representation of the year, if the year is in the range -9999 to 9999, otherwise it is a signed six digit representation of the year.

  • MM is the month in the range 01 to 12,
  • dd is the day of the month in the range 01 to 31,
  • HH are hours in the range 00 to 23,
  • mm are minutes in the range 00 to 59,
  • ss are seconds in the range 00 to 59 (no leap seconds), and
  • sss are milliseconds in the range 000 to 999.

The resulting string can be parsed back using parse.


 * Returns an ISO-8601 full-precision extended format representation.
 * The format is `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ` for UTC time, and
 * `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sss` (no trailing "Z") for local/non-UTC time,
 * where:
 * * `yyyy` is a, possibly negative, four digit representation of the year,
 *   if the year is in the range -9999 to 9999,
 *   otherwise it is a signed six digit representation of the year.
 * * `MM` is the month in the range 01 to 12,
 * * `dd` is the day of the month in the range 01 to 31,
 * * `HH` are hours in the range 00 to 23,
 * * `mm` are minutes in the range 00 to 59,
 * * `ss` are seconds in the range 00 to 59 (no leap seconds), and
 * * `sss` are milliseconds in the range 000 to 999.
 * The resulting string can be parsed back using [parse].
String toIso8601String() {
  String y = (year >= -9999 && year <= 9999) ? _fourDigits(year)
                                             : _sixDigits(year);
  String m = _twoDigits(month);
  String d = _twoDigits(day);
  String h = _twoDigits(hour);
  String min = _twoDigits(minute);
  String sec = _twoDigits(second);
  String ms = _threeDigits(millisecond);
  if (isUtc) {
    return "$y-$m-${d}T$h:$min:$sec.${ms}Z";
  } else {
    return "$y-$m-${d}T$h:$min:$sec.$ms";