String decodeComponent(
String encodedComponent

Decodes the percent-encoding in encodedComponent.

Note that decoding a URI component might change its meaning as some of the decoded characters could be characters with are delimiters for a given URI componene type. Always split a URI component using the delimiters for the component before decoding the individual parts.

For handling the path and query components consider using pathSegments and queryParameters to get the separated and decoded component.


 * Decodes the percent-encoding in [encodedComponent].
 * Note that decoding a URI component might change its meaning as
 * some of the decoded characters could be characters with are
 * delimiters for a given URI componene type. Always split a URI
 * component using the delimiters for the component before decoding
 * the individual parts.
 * For handling the [path] and [query] components consider using
 * [pathSegments] and [queryParameters] to get the separated and
 * decoded component.
static String decodeComponent(String encodedComponent) {
  return _uriDecode(encodedComponent);