Future<RandomAccessFile> open(
{FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}

Open the file for random access operations. Returns a Future<RandomAccessFile> that completes with the opened random access file. RandomAccessFiles must be closed using the RandomAccessFile.close method.

Files can be opened in three modes:

FileMode.READ: open the file for reading.

FileMode.WRITE: open the file for both reading and writing and truncate the file to length zero. If the file does not exist the file is created.

FileMode.APPEND: same as FileMode.WRITE except that the file is not truncated.


 * Open the file for random access operations. Returns a
 * [:Future<RandomAccessFile>:] that completes with the opened
 * random access file. [RandomAccessFile]s must be closed using the
 * [RandomAccessFile.close] method.
 * Files can be opened in three modes:
 * [FileMode.READ]: open the file for reading.
 * [FileMode.WRITE]: open the file for both reading and writing and
 * truncate the file to length zero. If the file does not exist the
 * file is created.
 * [FileMode.APPEND]: same as [FileMode.WRITE] except that the file is
 * not truncated.
Future<RandomAccessFile> open({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ});