Future<ProcessResult> run(
String executable,
List<String> arguments,
{String workingDirectory,
Map<String,String> environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment: true,
bool runInShell: false,
Encoding stdoutEncoding: SYSTEM_ENCODING,
Encoding stderrEncoding: SYSTEM_ENCODING}

Starts a process and runs it non-interactively to completion. The process run is executable with the specified arguments.

Use workingDirectory to set the working directory for the process. Note that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the executable and the arguments.

Use environment to set the environment variables for the process. If not set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is passed in.

If includeParentEnvironment is true, the process's environment will include the parent process's environment, with environment taking precedence. Default is true.

If runInShell is true, the process will be spawned through a system shell. On Linux and OS X, /bin/sh is used, while %WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe is used on Windows.

The encoding used for decoding stdout and stderr into text is controlled through stdoutEncoding and stderrEncoding. The default encoding is SYSTEM_ENCODING. If null is used no decoding will happen and the ProcessResult will hold binary data.

Returns a Future<ProcessResult> that completes with the result of running the process, i.e., exit code, standard out and standard in.

The following code uses Process.run to grep for main in the file test.dart on Linux.

Process.run('grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((result) {


 * Starts a process and runs it non-interactively to completion. The
 * process run is [executable] with the specified [arguments].
 * Use [workingDirectory] to set the working directory for the process. Note
 * that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some
 * platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the
 * executable and the arguments.
 * Use [environment] to set the environment variables for the process. If not
 * set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only
 * US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur
 * if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is
 * passed in.
 * If [includeParentEnvironment] is `true`, the process's environment will
 * include the parent process's environment, with [environment] taking
 * precedence. Default is `true`.
 * If [runInShell] is true, the process will be spawned through a system
 * shell. On Linux and OS X, `/bin/sh` is used, while
 * `%WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe` is used on Windows.
 * The encoding used for decoding `stdout` and `stderr` into text is
 * controlled through [stdoutEncoding] and [stderrEncoding]. The
 * default encoding is [SYSTEM_ENCODING]. If `null` is used no
 * decoding will happen and the [ProcessResult] will hold binary
 * data.
 * Returns a `Future<ProcessResult>` that completes with the
 * result of running the process, i.e., exit code, standard out and
 * standard in.
 * The following code uses `Process.run` to grep for `main` in the
 * file `test.dart` on Linux.
 *     Process.run('grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((result) {
 *       stdout.write(result.stdout);
 *       stderr.write(result.stderr);
 *     });
external static Future<ProcessResult> run(
    String executable,
    List<String> arguments,
    {String workingDirectory,
     Map<String, String> environment,
     bool includeParentEnvironment: true,
     bool runInShell: false,
     Encoding stdoutEncoding: SYSTEM_ENCODING,
     Encoding stderrEncoding: SYSTEM_ENCODING});