Stream asyncMap(
dynamic convert(T event)

Creates a new stream with each data event of this stream asynchronously mapped to a new event.

This acts like map, except that convert may return a Future, and in that case, the stream waits for that future to complete before continuing with its result.

The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.


 * Creates a new stream with each data event of this stream asynchronously
 * mapped to a new event.
 * This acts like [map], except that [convert] may return a [Future],
 * and in that case, the stream waits for that future to complete before
 * continuing with its result.
 * The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
Stream asyncMap(convert(T event)) {
  StreamController controller;
  StreamSubscription subscription;
  void onListen () {
    final add = controller.add;
    assert(controller is _StreamController ||
           controller is _BroadcastStreamController);
    final eventSink = controller;
    final addError = eventSink._addError;
    subscription = this.listen(
        (T event) {
          var newValue;
          try {
            newValue = convert(event);
          } catch (e, s) {
            controller.addError(e, s);
          if (newValue is Future) {
            newValue.then(add, onError: addError)
          } else {
        onError: addError,
        onDone: controller.close
  if (this.isBroadcast) {
    controller = new StreamController.broadcast(
      onListen: onListen,
      onCancel: () { subscription.cancel(); },
      sync: true
  } else {
    controller = new StreamController(
      onListen: onListen,
      onPause: () { subscription.pause(); },
      onResume: () { subscription.resume(); },
      onCancel: () { subscription.cancel(); },
      sync: true