Future<RawSocket> connect(
int port,

Creates a new socket connection to the host and port and returns a Future that will complete with either a RawSocket once connected or an error if the host-lookup or connection failed.

host can either be a String or an InternetAddress. If host is a String, connect will perform a InternetAddress.lookup and try all returned InternetAddresses, until connected. Unless a connection was established, the error from the first failing connection is returned.

The argument sourceAddress can be used to specify the local address to bind when making the connection. sourceAddress can either be a String or an InternetAddress. If a String is passed it must hold a numeric IP address.


 * Creates a new socket connection to the host and port and returns a [Future]
 * that will complete with either a [RawSocket] once connected or an error
 * if the host-lookup or connection failed.
 * [host] can either be a [String] or an [InternetAddress]. If [host] is a
 * [String], [connect] will perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and try
 * all returned [InternetAddress]es, until connected. Unless a
 * connection was established, the error from the first failing connection is
 * returned.
 * The argument [sourceAddress] can be used to specify the local
 * address to bind when making the connection. `sourceAddress` can either
 * be a `String` or an `InternetAddress`. If a `String` is passed it must
 * hold a numeric IP address.
external static Future<RawSocket> connect(host, int port, {sourceAddress});