void initialize(
{String database,
String password,
bool useBuiltinRoots: true}

Initializes the NSS library. If initialize is not called, the library is automatically initialized as if initialize were called with no arguments. If initialize is called more than once, or called after automatic initialization has happened (when a secure connection is made), then a TlsException is thrown.

The optional argument database is the path to a certificate database directory containing root certificates for verifying certificate paths on client connections, and server certificates to provide on server connections. The argument password should be used when creating secure server sockets, to allow the private key of the server certificate to be fetched. If useBuiltinRoots is true (the default), then a built-in set of root certificates for trusted certificate authorities is merged with the certificates in the database. The list of built-in root certificates, and documentation about this default database, is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/certs/included/ .

If the database argument is omitted, then only the builtin root certificates are used. If useBuiltinRoots is also false, then no certificates are available.

Examples: 1) Use only the builtin root certificates:

SecureSocket.initialize(); or

2) Use a specified database directory and the builtin roots:

SecureSocket.initialize(database: 'path/to/my/database',
                        password: 'my_password');

3) Use a specified database directory, without builtin roots:

SecureSocket.initialize(database: 'path/to/my/database',
                        password: 'my_password'.
                        useBuiltinRoots: false);

The database should be an NSS certificate database directory containing a cert9.db file, not a cert8.db file. This version of the database can be created using the NSS certutil tool with "sql:" in front of the absolute path of the database directory, or setting the environment variable [NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE] to "sql".


 * Initializes the NSS library. If [initialize] is not called, the library
 * is automatically initialized as if [initialize] were called with no
 * arguments. If [initialize] is called more than once, or called after
 * automatic initialization has happened (when a secure connection is made),
 * then a TlsException is thrown.
 * The optional argument [database] is the path to a certificate database
 * directory containing root certificates for verifying certificate paths on
 * client connections, and server certificates to provide on server
 * connections. The argument [password] should be used when creating
 * secure server sockets, to allow the private key of the server
 * certificate to be fetched. If [useBuiltinRoots] is true (the default),
 * then a built-in set of root certificates for trusted certificate
 * authorities is merged with the certificates in the database.
 * The list of built-in root certificates, and documentation about this
 * default database, is available at
 * http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/certs/included/ .
 * If the [database] argument is omitted, then only the
 * builtin root certificates are used. If [useBuiltinRoots] is also false,
 * then no certificates are available.
 * Examples:
 *   1) Use only the builtin root certificates:
 *     SecureSocket.initialize(); or
 *   2) Use a specified database directory and the builtin roots:
 *     SecureSocket.initialize(database: 'path/to/my/database',
 *                             password: 'my_password');
 *   3) Use a specified database directory, without builtin roots:
 *     SecureSocket.initialize(database: 'path/to/my/database',
 *                             password: 'my_password'.
 *                             useBuiltinRoots: false);
 * The database should be an NSS certificate database directory
 * containing a cert9.db file, not a cert8.db file.  This version of
 * the database can be created using the NSS certutil tool with "sql:" in
 * front of the absolute path of the database directory, or setting the
 * environment variable [[NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE]] to "sql".
external static void initialize({String database,
                                 String password,
                                 bool useBuiltinRoots: true});