ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(
Sink<List<int>> sink

Start a chunked conversion using the options given to the ZLibEncoder constructor. While it accepts any Sink taking List's, the optimal sink to be passed as sink is a ByteConversionSink.


 * Start a chunked conversion using the options given to the [ZLibEncoder]
 * constructor. While it accepts any [Sink] taking [List<int>]'s,
 * the optimal sink to be passed as [sink] is a [ByteConversionSink].
ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink<List<int>> sink) {
  if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) {
    sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink);
  return new _ZLibEncoderSink(sink, gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel,
                              strategy, dictionary, raw);