InstanceMirror setField(
Symbol fieldName,
Object value

Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. The setter may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a user-defined setter method.

Let o be the object reflected by this mirror, let f be the simple name of the getter denoted by fieldName, and let a be the object bound to value. Then this method will perform the setter invocation o.f = a in a scope that has access to the private members of o (if o is a class or library) or the private members of the class of o (otherwise). If the invocation returns a result r, this method returns the result of calling reflect. If the invocation causes a compilation error the effect is the same as if a non-reflective compilation error had been encountered. If the invocation throws an exception e (that it does not catch) this method throws e.


 * Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. The setter
 * may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a
 * user-defined setter method.
 * Let *o* be the object reflected by this mirror, let
 * *f* be the simple name of the getter denoted by [fieldName],
 * and let *a* be the object bound to [value].
 * Then this method will perform the setter invocation
 * *o.f = a*
 * in a scope that has access to the private members
 * of *o* (if *o* is a class or library) or the private members of the
 * class of *o* (otherwise).
 * If the invocation returns a result *r*, this method returns
 * the result of calling [reflect]([value]).
 * If the invocation causes a compilation error
 * the effect is the same as if a non-reflective compilation error
 * had been encountered.
 * If the invocation throws an exception *e* (that it does not catch)
 * this method throws *e*.
/* TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names.*/
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value);