An object that can be an element in a LinkedList.

All elements of a LinkedList must extend this class. The class provides the internal links that link elements together in the LinkedList, and a reference to the linked list itself that an element is currently part of.

An entry can be in at most one linked list at a time. While an entry is in a linked list, the list property points to that linked list, and otherwise the list property is null.

When created, an entry is not in any linked list.


list LinkedList<E>

Get the linked list containing this element.

next → E

Return the succeessor of this element in its linked list.

previous → E

Return the predecessor of this element in its linked list.




insertAfter(E entry) → void

Insert an element after this element in this element's linked list.

insertBefore(E entry) → void

Insert an element before this element in this element's linked list.

Unlink the element from its linked list.