int gcd(
int other

Returns the greatest common divisor of this integer and other.

If either number is non-zero, the result is the numerically greatest integer dividing both this and other.

The greatest common divisor is independent of the order, so x.gcd(y) is always the same as y.gcd(x).

For any integer x, x.gcd(x) is x.abs().

If both this and other is zero, the result is also zero.


 * Returns the greatest common divisor of this integer and [other].
 * If either number is non-zero, the result is the numerically greatest
 * integer dividing both `this` and `other`.
 * The greatest common divisor is independent of the order,
 * so `x.gcd(y)` is  always the same as `y.gcd(x)`.
 * For any integer `x`, `x.gcd(x)` is `x.abs()`.
 * If both `this` and `other` is zero, the result is also zero.
int gcd(int other);