void send(

Send the request with any given data.

Note: Most simple HTTP requests can be accomplished using the getString, request, requestCrossOrigin, or postFormData methods. Use of this send method is intended only for more complext HTTP requests where finer-grained control is needed.

Other resources


 * Send the request with any given `data`.
 * Note: Most simple HTTP requests can be accomplished using the [getString],
 * [request], [requestCrossOrigin], or [postFormData] methods. Use of this
 * `send` method is intended only for more complext HTTP requests where
 * finer-grained control is needed.
 * ## Other resources
 * * [XMLHttpRequest.send]
 * (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/XMLHttpRequest#send%28%29)
 * from MDN.
void send([data]) => _blink.BlinkXMLHttpRequest.instance.send_Callback_1_(unwrap_jso(this), unwrap_jso(data));