void allowTextElements( )

Allow basic text elements.

This allows a subset of HTML5 elements, specifically just these tags and no attributes.

  • B
  • BR
  • EM
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5
  • H6
  • HR
  • I
  • LI
  • OL
  • P
  • SPAN
  • UL


 * Allow basic text elements.
 * This allows a subset of HTML5 elements, specifically just these tags and
 * no attributes.
 * * B
 * * BR
 * * EM
 * * H1
 * * H2
 * * H3
 * * H4
 * * H5
 * * H6
 * * HR
 * * I
 * * LI
 * * OL
 * * P
 * * SPAN
 * * UL
void allowTextElements() {
  add(new _SimpleNodeValidator.allowTextElements());