Representation of a header value in the form:

value; parameter1=value1; parameter2=value2

HeaderValue can be used to conveniently build and parse header values on this form.

To build an accepts header with the value

text/plain; q=0.3, text/html

use code like this:

HttpClientRequest request = ...;
var v = new HeaderValue("text/plain", {"q": "0.3"});
request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, v);
request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "text/html");

To parse the header values use the parse static method.

HttpRequest request = ...;
List<String> values = request.headers[HttpHeaders.ACCEPT];
values.forEach((value) {
  HeaderValue v = HeaderValue.parse(value);
  // Use v.value and v.parameters

An instance of HeaderValue is immutable.

Implemented by

Static Methods

parse(String value, {String parameterSeparator: ";", bool preserveBackslash: false}) → HeaderValue

Creates a new header value object from parsing a header value string with both value and optional parameters.


parameters Map<String,String>

Gets the map of parameters.

value String

Gets the header value.


HeaderValue([String value = "", Map<String,String> parameters])

Creates a new header value object setting the value and parameters.


toString() → String

Returns the formatted string representation in the form: