Future redirect(
Uri location,
{int status: HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY}

Respond with a redirect to location.

The URI in location should be absolute, but there are no checks to enforce that.

By default the HTTP status code HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY (302) is used for the redirect, but an alternative one can be specified using the status argument.

This method will also call close, and the returned future is the furure returned by close.


 * Respond with a redirect to [location].
 * The URI in [location] should be absolute, but there are no checks
 * to enforce that.
 * By default the HTTP status code `HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY`
 * (`302`) is used for the redirect, but an alternative one can be
 * specified using the [status] argument.
 * This method will also call `close`, and the returned future is
 * the furure returned by `close`.
Future redirect(Uri location, {int status: HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY});