Future<HttpServer> bindSecure(
int port,
{int backlog: 0,
bool v6Only: false,
String certificateName,
bool requestClientCertificate: false,
bool shared: false}

The address can either be a String or an InternetAddress. If address is a String, bind will perform a InternetAddress.lookup and use the first value in the list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only incoming connections from the local host, use the value InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4 or InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6. To allow for incoming connection from the network use either one of the values InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4 or InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6 to bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface.

If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6 (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use v6Only to set version 6 only.

If port has the value 0 an ephemeral port will be chosen by the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the port getter.

The optional argument backlog can be used to specify the listen backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If backlog has the value of 0 (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by the system.

The certificate with nickname or distinguished name (DN) certificateName is looked up in the certificate database, and is used as the server certificate. If requestClientCertificate is true, the server will request clients to authenticate with a client certificate.

The optional argument shared specify whether additional binds to the same address, port and v6Only combination is possible from the same Dart process. If shared is true and additional binds are performed, then the incoming connections will be distributed between that set of HttpServers. One way of using this is to have number of isolates between which incoming connections are distributed.


 * The [address] can either be a [String] or an
 * [InternetAddress]. If [address] is a [String], [bind] will
 * perform a [InternetAddress.lookup] and use the first value in the
 * list. To listen on the loopback adapter, which will allow only
 * incoming connections from the local host, use the value
 * [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4] or
 * [InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6]. To allow for incoming
 * connection from the network use either one of the values
 * [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4] or [InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6] to
 * bind to all interfaces or the IP address of a specific interface.
 * If an IP version 6 (IPv6) address is used, both IP version 6
 * (IPv6) and version 4 (IPv4) connections will be accepted. To
 * restrict this to version 6 (IPv6) only, use [v6Only] to set
 * version 6 only.
 * If [port] has the value [:0:] an ephemeral port will be chosen by
 * the system. The actual port used can be retrieved using the
 * [port] getter.
 * The optional argument [backlog] can be used to specify the listen
 * backlog for the underlying OS listen setup. If [backlog] has the
 * value of [:0:] (the default) a reasonable value will be chosen by
 * the system.
 * The certificate with nickname or distinguished name (DN) [certificateName]
 * is looked up in the certificate database, and is used as the server
 * certificate. If [requestClientCertificate] is true, the server will
 * request clients to authenticate with a client certificate.
 * The optional argument [shared] specify whether additional binds
 * to the same `address`, `port` and `v6Only` combination is
 * possible from the same Dart process. If `shared` is `true` and
 * additional binds are performed, then the incoming connections
 * will be distributed between that set of `HttpServer`s. One way of
 * using this is to have number of isolates between which incoming
 * connections are distributed.

static Future<HttpServer> bindSecure(address,
                                     int port,
                                     {int backlog: 0,
                                      bool v6Only: false,
                                      String certificateName,
                                      bool requestClientCertificate: false,
                                      bool shared: false})
    => _HttpServer.bindSecure(address,