Proxies a JavaScript object to Dart.

The properties of the JavaScript object are accessible via the [] and []= operators. Methods are callable via callMethod.

Implemented by


hashCode int


JsObject(JsFunction constructor, [List arguments])

Constructs a new JavaScript object from constructor and returns a proxy to it.


Constructs a JsObject that proxies a native Dart object; for expert use only.



Recursively converts a JSON-like collection of Dart objects to a collection of JavaScript objects and returns a JsObject proxy to it.


operator ==(other) → dynamic

The equality operator.

operator [](property) → dynamic

Returns the value associated with property from the proxied JavaScript object.

operator []=(property, value) → dynamic

Sets the value associated with property on the proxied JavaScript object.


callMethod(String method, [List args]) → dynamic

Calls method on the JavaScript object with the arguments args and returns the result.

deleteProperty(String property) → void

Removes property from the JavaScript object.

hasProperty(String property) → bool

Returns true if the JavaScript object contains the specified property either directly or though its prototype chain.

instanceof(JsFunction type) → bool

Returns true if the JavaScript object has type in its prototype chain.

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

noSuchMethod is invoked when users invoke a non-existent method on an object. The name of the method and the arguments of the invocation are passed to noSuchMethod in an Invocation. If noSuchMethod returns a value, that value becomes the result of the original invocation.

toString() → String

Returns the result of the JavaScript objects toString method.