void registerJsInterfaces(
List<Type> classes

Temporary method that we hope to remove at some point. This method should generally only be called by machine generated code.


 * Temporary method that we hope to remove at some point. This method should
 * generally only be called by machine generated code.
void registerJsInterfaces(List<Type> classes) {
  if (_finalized == true) {
    throw 'JSInterop class registration already finalized';
  for (Type type in classes) {
    if (!_jsInterfaceTypes.add(type)) continue; // Already registered.
    mirrors.ClassMirror typeMirror = mirrors.reflectType(type);
    typeMirror.declarations.forEach((symbol, declaration) {
      if (declaration is mirrors.MethodMirror ||
          declaration is mirrors.VariableMirror && !declaration.isStatic) {
        bool treatAsGetter = false;
        bool treatAsSetter = false;
        if (declaration is mirrors.VariableMirror) {
          treatAsGetter = true;
          if (!declaration.isConst && !declaration.isFinal) {
            treatAsSetter = true;
        } else {
          if (declaration.isGetter) {
            treatAsGetter = true;
          } else if (declaration.isSetter) {
            treatAsSetter = true;
          } else if (!declaration.isConstructor) {
                .putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
        if (treatAsGetter) {
              .putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
              .putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())
        if (treatAsSetter) {
              .putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _DeclarationSet())