A LibraryMirror reflects a Dart language library, providing access to the variables, functions, and classes of the library.



declarations Map<Symbol,DeclarationMirror>

Returns an immutable map of the declarations actually given in the library.

isPrivate bool
read-only, inherited

Returns true if this declaration is considered private according to the Dart language specification. Always returns false if this declaration is a library. Otherwise return false.

isTopLevel bool
read-only, inherited

Is this declaration top-level?

libraryDependencies List<LibraryDependencyMirror>

Returns a list of the imports and exports in this library;

location SourceLocation
read-only, inherited

The source location of this Dart language entity, or null if the entity is synthetic.

metadata List<InstanceMirror>
read-only, inherited

A list of the metadata associated with this declaration.

owner DeclarationMirror
read-only, inherited

A mirror on the owner of this Dart language entity. This is the declaration immediately surrounding the reflectee.

qualifiedName Symbol
read-only, inherited

The fully-qualified name for this Dart language entity.

simpleName Symbol
read-only, inherited

The simple name for this Dart language entity.

uri Uri

The absolute uri of the library.




operator ==(other) → bool

Returns true if this mirror is equal to other. Otherwise returns false.


delegate(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Perform invocation on reflectee. Equivalent to

getField(Symbol fieldName) → InstanceMirror

Invokes a getter and returns a mirror on the result. The getter can be the implicit getter for a field or a user-defined getter method.

invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments, [Map<Symbol> namedArguments]) → InstanceMirror

Invokes the named function and returns a mirror on the result.

setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value) → InstanceMirror

Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. The setter may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a user-defined setter method.