An ObjectMirror is a common superinterface of InstanceMirror, ClassMirror, and LibraryMirror that represents their shared functionality.

For the purposes of the mirrors library, these types are all object-like, in that they support method invocation and field access. Real Dart objects are represented by the InstanceMirror type.

See InstanceMirror, ClassMirror, and LibraryMirror.

Implemented by




delegate(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Perform invocation on reflectee. Equivalent to

getField(Symbol fieldName) → InstanceMirror

Invokes a getter and returns a mirror on the result. The getter can be the implicit getter for a field or a user-defined getter method.

invoke(Symbol memberName, List positionalArguments, [Map<Symbol> namedArguments]) → InstanceMirror

Invokes the named function and returns a mirror on the result.

setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value) → InstanceMirror

Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. The setter may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a user-defined setter method.