A TypeMirror reflects a Dart language class, typedef, function type or type variable.

Implemented by


hasReflectedType bool

Returns true if this mirror reflects dynamic, a non-generic class or typedef, or an instantiated generic class or typedef in the current isolate. Otherwise, returns false.

isOriginalDeclaration bool

Is this the original declaration of this type?

isPrivate bool
read-only, inherited

Returns true if this declaration is considered private according to the Dart language specification. Always returns false if this declaration is a library. Otherwise return false.

isTopLevel bool
read-only, inherited

Is this declaration top-level?

location SourceLocation
read-only, inherited

The source location of this Dart language entity, or null if the entity is synthetic.

metadata List<InstanceMirror>
read-only, inherited

A list of the metadata associated with this declaration.

originalDeclaration TypeMirror

A mirror on the original declaration of this type.

owner DeclarationMirror
read-only, inherited

A mirror on the owner of this Dart language entity. This is the declaration immediately surrounding the reflectee.

qualifiedName Symbol
read-only, inherited

The fully-qualified name for this Dart language entity.

reflectedType Type

If hasReflectedType returns true, returns the corresponding Type. Otherwise, an UnsupportedError is thrown.

simpleName Symbol
read-only, inherited

The simple name for this Dart language entity.

typeArguments List<TypeMirror>

An immutable list with mirrors for all type arguments for this type.

typeVariables List<TypeVariableMirror>

An immutable list with mirrors for all type variables for this type.




isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) → bool

Checks the assignability relationship, denoted by <=> in the language specification. This is the type relationship tested on assignment in checked mode.

isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) → bool

Checks the subtype relationship, denoted by <: in the language specification. This is the type relationship used in is test checks.