InstanceMirror reflect(
Object reflectee

Reflects an instance. Returns an InstanceMirror reflecting reflectee. If reflectee is a function or an instance of a class that has a call method, the returned instance mirror will be a ClosureMirror.

Note that since one cannot obtain an object from another isolate, this function can only be used to obtain mirrors on objects of the current isolate.


 * Reflects an instance.
 * Returns an [InstanceMirror] reflecting [reflectee].
 * If [reflectee] is a function or an instance of a class
 * that has a [:call:] method, the returned instance mirror
 * will be a [ClosureMirror].
 * Note that since one cannot obtain an object from
 * another isolate, this function can only be used to
 * obtain  mirrors on objects of the current isolate.
external InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee);