The properties of a WebGL rendering context.

If alpha is true, then the context has an alpha channel.

If antialias is true, then antialiasing is performed by the browser, but only if the browser's implementation of WebGL supports antialiasing.

If depth is true, then the context has a depth buffer of at least 16 bits.

If premultipliedAlpha is true, then the context's colors are assumed to be premultiplied. This means that color values are assumed to have been multiplied by their alpha values. If alpha is false, then this flag is ignored.

If preserveDrawingBuffer is false, then all contents of the context are cleared. If true, then all values will remain until changed or cleared.

If stencil is true, then the context has a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits.

  • DocsEditable()
  • DomName('WebGLContextAttributes')
  • Unstable()


alpha bool
read / write

antialias bool
read / write

depth bool
read / write

failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat bool
read / write

premultipliedAlpha bool
read / write

preserveDrawingBuffer bool
read / write

stencil bool
read / write