Collects string of data events' string representations.
If separator
is provided, it is inserted between any two
Any error in the stream causes the future to complete with that error. Otherwise it completes with the collected string when the "done" event arrives.
Future<String> join([String separator = ""]) { _Future<String> result = new _Future<String>(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); StreamSubscription subscription; bool first = true; subscription = this.listen( (T element) { if (!first) { buffer.write(separator); } first = false; try { buffer.write(element); } catch (e, s) { _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e, s); } }, onError: (e) { result._completeError(e); }, onDone: () { result._complete(buffer.toString()); }, cancelOnError: true); return result; }