Allow custom elements with the specified tag name and specified attributes.
This will allow the elements as custom tags (such as <x-foo></x-foo>), but will not allow tag extensions. Use allowTagExtension to allow tag extensions.
void allowCustomElement(String tagName, {UriPolicy uriPolicy, Iterable<String> attributes, Iterable<String> uriAttributes}) { var tagNameUpper = tagName.toUpperCase(); var attrs = attributes ?.map /*<String>*/ ((name) => '$tagNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}'); var uriAttrs = uriAttributes ?.map /*<String>*/ ((name) => '$tagNameUpper::${name.toLowerCase()}'); if (uriPolicy == null) { uriPolicy = new UriPolicy(); } add(new _CustomElementNodeValidator( uriPolicy, [tagNameUpper], attrs, uriAttrs, false, true)); }