The common super class for File, Directory, and Link objects.

FileSystemEntity objects are returned from directory listing operations. To determine if a FileSystemEntity is a File, a Directory, or a Link perform a type check:

if (entity is File) (entity as File).readAsStringSync();

You can also use the type or typeSync methods to determine the type of a file system object.

Most methods in this class occur in synchronous and asynchronous pairs, for example, exists and existsSync. Unless you have a specific reason for using the synchronous version of a method, prefer the asynchronous version to avoid blocking your program.

Here's the exists method in action:

entity.exists().then((isThere) {
  isThere ? print('exists') : print('non-existent');

Other resources

  • Dart by Example provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use various API from the Directory class and the File class, both subclasses of FileSystemEntity.

  • I/O for Command-Line Apps, a section from A Tour of the Dart Libraries covers files and directories.

  • Write Command-Line Apps, a tutorial about writing command-line apps, includes information about files and directories.

Implemented by

Static Properties

isWatchSupported bool

Test if watch is supported on the current system.


Static Methods

identical(String path1, String path2) Future<bool>

Checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the file system. Returns a Future<bool> that completes with the result.

identicalSync(String path1, String path2) bool

Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the file system.

isDirectory(String path) Future<bool>

Checks if type(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY.

isDirectorySync(String path) bool

Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY.

isFile(String path) Future<bool>

Checks if type(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.FILE.

isFileSync(String path) bool

Synchronously checks if typeSync(path) returns FileSystemEntityType.FILE.

Checks if type(path, followLinks: false) returns FileSystemEntityType.LINK.

isLinkSync(String path) bool

Synchronously checks if typeSync(path, followLinks: false) returns FileSystemEntityType.LINK.

parentOf(String path) String

Removes the final path component of a path, using the platform's path separator to split the path. Will not remove the root component of a Windows path, like "C:\" or "\\server_name\". Ignores trailing path separators, and leaves no trailing path separators.

type(String path, { bool followLinks: true }) Future<FileSystemEntityType>

Finds the type of file system object that a path points to. Returns a Future<FileSystemEntityType> that completes with the result.

typeSync(String path, { bool followLinks: true }) FileSystemEntityType

Synchronously finds the type of file system object that a path points to. Returns a FileSystemEntityType.




absolute FileSystemEntity

Returns a FileSystemEntity whose path is the absolute path to this. The type of the returned instance is the type of this.

hashCode int

Get a hash code for this object.

read-only, inherited
isAbsolute bool

Returns a bool indicating whether this object's path is absolute.

parent Directory

The directory containing this. If this is a root directory, returns this.

path String

runtimeType Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited
uri Uri

Returns a Uri representing the file system entity's location.



operator ==(other) bool

The equality operator.



delete({bool recursive: false }) Future<FileSystemEntity>

Deletes this FileSystemEntity.

deleteSync({bool recursive: false }) → void

Synchronously deletes this FileSystemEntity.

exists() Future<bool>

Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists. Returns a Future<bool> that completes with the result.

existsSync() bool

Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path exists.

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

rename(String newPath) Future<FileSystemEntity>

Renames this file system entity. Returns a Future<FileSystemEntity> that completes with a FileSystemEntity instance for the renamed file system entity.

renameSync(String newPath) FileSystemEntity

Synchronously renames this file system entity. Returns a FileSystemEntity instance for the renamed entity.

Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the current working directory, resolving all symbolic links on the path and resolving all .. and . path segments.

resolveSymbolicLinksSync() String

Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the current working directory, resolving all symbolic links on the path and resolving all .. and . path segments.

stat() Future<FileStat>

Calls the operating system's stat() function on the path of this FileSystemEntity. Identical to FileStat.stat(this.path).

statSync() FileStat

Synchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on the path of this FileSystemEntity. Identical to FileStat.statSync(this.path).

toString() String

Returns a string representation of this object.

watch({int events: FileSystemEvent.ALL, bool recursive: false }) Stream<FileSystemEvent>

Start watching the FileSystemEntity for changes.