An abstract class for all DOM objects we wrap in dart:html and related libraries.
- Inheritance
- Implemented by
- AbstractWorker
- ActiveInfo
- Angle
- AngleInstancedArrays
- AnimatedAngle
- AnimatedBoolean
- AnimatedEnumeration
- AnimatedInteger
- AnimatedLength
- AnimatedLengthList
- AnimatedNumber
- AnimatedNumberList
- AnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
- AnimatedRect
- AnimatedString
- AnimatedTransformList
- AnimationEffectReadOnly
- AnimationEffectTiming
- AnimationTimeline
- AppBannerPromptResult
- AudioBuffer
- AudioListener
- AudioParam
- AudioTrack
- BarProp
- Blob
- Bluetooth
- BluetoothDevice
- BluetoothGattCharacteristic
- BluetoothGattRemoteServer
- BluetoothGattService
- BluetoothUuid
- Body
- Buffer
- CacheStorage
- CanvasGradient
- CanvasPattern
- CanvasRenderingContext2D
- ChildNode
- ChromiumSubscribeUniform
- ChromiumValuebuffer
- Client
- Clients
- CompositorProxy
- CompressedTextureAtc
- CompressedTextureETC1
- CompressedTexturePvrtc
- CompressedTextureS3TC
- ConsoleBase
- Coordinates
- Credential
- CredentialsContainer
- Crypto
- CryptoKey
- Css
- CssRule
- CssStyleDeclaration
- Cursor
- DataTransfer
- DataTransferItem
- DataTransferItemList
- DebugRendererInfo
- DebugShaders
- DeprecatedStorageInfo
- DeprecatedStorageQuota
- DepthTexture
- DeviceAcceleration
- DeviceRotationRate
- DirectoryReader
- DomError
- DomException
- DomImplementation
- DomIterator
- DomMatrixReadOnly
- DomParser
- DomPointReadOnly
- DomRectReadOnly
- DomStringList
- DomStringMap
- DomTokenList
- DrawBuffers
- EffectModel
- Entry
- Event
- EventTarget
- ExtBlendMinMax
- ExtFragDepth
- ExtShaderTextureLod
- EXTsRgb
- ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic
- FileList
- FileStream
- FileSystem
- FilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
- FitToViewBox
- FontFace
- FormData
- Framebuffer
- Gamepad
- GamepadButton
- Geofencing
- GeofencingRegion
- Geolocation
- Geoposition
- Headers
- History
- HtmlCollection
- IdbFactory
- ImageBitmap
- ImageData
- Index
- InjectedScriptHost
- InputDevice
- KeyRange
- Length
- LengthList
- Location
- LoseContext
- Matrix
- MediaDeviceInfo
- MediaDevices
- MediaError
- MediaKeyError
- MediaKeys
- MediaKeyStatusMap
- MediaKeySystemAccess
- MediaList
- MediaSession
- MemoryInfo
- MessageChannel
- Metadata
- MidiInputMap
- MidiOutputMap
- MimeType
- MimeTypeArray
- MutationObserver
- MutationRecord
- Navigator
- NavigatorCpu
- NavigatorID
- NavigatorLanguage
- NavigatorOnLine
- NavigatorStorageUtils
- NavigatorUserMediaError
- NodeFilter
- NodeIterator
- NodeList
- NonDocumentTypeChildNode
- NonElementParentNode
- Number
- NumberList
- ObjectStore
- OesElementIndexUint
- OesStandardDerivatives
- OesTextureFloat
- OesTextureFloatLinear
- OesTextureHalfFloat
- OesTextureHalfFloatLinear
- OesVertexArrayObject
- ParentNode
- Path2D
- PathSeg
- PathSegList
- PerformanceEntry
- PerformanceNavigation
- PerformanceTiming
- PeriodicSyncManager
- PeriodicSyncRegistration
- PeriodicWave
- Permissions
- Plugin
- PluginArray
- Point
- PointList
- PositionError
- PreserveAspectRatio
- Program
- PushManager
- PushMessageData
- PushSubscription
- Query
- Range
- ReadableByteStream
- ReadableByteStreamReader
- ReadableStream
- ReadableStreamReader
- Rect
- Renderbuffer
- RenderingContext
- RenderingContext2
- RtcIceCandidate
- RtcSessionDescription
- RtcStatsReport
- RtcStatsResponse
- Sampler
- Screen
- ScrollState
- Selection
- ServicePort
- Shader
- ShaderPrecisionFormat
- SharedArrayBuffer
- SourceInfo
- SpeechGrammar
- SpeechGrammarList
- SpeechRecognitionAlternative
- SpeechRecognitionResult
- SpeechSynthesisVoice
- SqlDatabase
- SqlError
- SqlResultSet
- SqlResultSetRowList
- SqlTransaction
- Storage
- StorageInfo
- StorageQuota
- StringList
- StyleMedia
- StyleSheet
- Sync
- SyncManager
- SyncRegistration
- Tests
- TextMetrics
- TextTrackCueList
- Texture
- TimeRanges
- Touch
- TouchList
- TrackDefault
- TrackDefaultList
- Transform
- TransformFeedback
- TransformList
- TreeWalker
- UniformLocation
- UnitTypes
- UriReference
- Url
- UrlUtils
- UrlUtilsReadOnly
- ValidityState
- VertexArrayObject
- VertexArrayObjectOes
- VideoPlaybackQuality
- VideoTrack
- ViewSpec
- VRDevice
- VREyeParameters
- VRFieldOfView
- VRPositionState
- VttRegion
- VttRegionList
- WindowBase64
- XmlSerializer
- XPathEvaluator
- XPathExpression
- XPathNSResolver
- XPathResult
- XsltProcessor
- ZoomAndPan
- Annotations
- Deprecated("Internal Use Only")
- hashCode → int
read-only, inherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
operator ==(
other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
inherited -
) → String -
Returns the result of the JavaScript objects