Future<List<NetworkInterface>> list({bool includeLoopback: false, bool includeLinkLocal: false, InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.ANY })

Query the system for NetworkInterfaces.

If includeLoopback is true, the returned list will include the loopback device. Default is false.

If includeLinkLocal is true, the list of addresses of the returned NetworkInterfaces, may include link local addresses. Default is false.

If type is either InternetAddressType.IP_V4 or InternetAddressType.IP_V6 it will only lookup addresses of the specified type. Default is InternetAddressType.ANY.


external static Future<List<NetworkInterface>> list({
    bool includeLoopback: false,
    bool includeLinkLocal: false,
    InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.ANY});