detach method Null safety

void detach(
  1. Object detachToken

Detaches the finalizer from values attached with detachToken.

Each attachment between this finalizer and a value, which was created by calling attach with the detachToken object as detach argument, is removed.

If the finalizer was attached multiple times to the same value with different detachment keys, only those attachments which used detachToken are removed.

After detaching, an attachment won't cause any callbacks to happen if the object become inaccessible.


final Finalizer<DBConnection> _finalizer = Finalizer((connection) {

class Database {
  final DBConnection _connection;
  final Finalizer<Connection> _finalizer;
  Database._fromConnection(this._connection, this._finalizer);

  // Some useful methods.

  void close() {
    // User requested close.
    // Detach from finalizer, no longer needed.
    // Was attached using this object as `detach` token.


void detach(Object detachToken);