RenderingContext class Null safety

Implemented types
  • @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
  • @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)
  • @Unstable()
  • @Native("WebGLRenderingContext")


canvas CanvasElement
drawingBufferHeight int?
drawingBufferWidth int?
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.


activeTexture(int texture) → void
attachShader(Program program, Shader shader) → void
bindAttribLocation(Program program, int index, String name) → void
bindBuffer(int target, Buffer? buffer) → void
bindFramebuffer(int target, Framebuffer? framebuffer) → void
bindRenderbuffer(int target, Renderbuffer? renderbuffer) → void
bindTexture(int target, Texture? texture) → void
blendColor(num red, num green, num blue, num alpha) → void
blendEquation(int mode) → void
blendEquationSeparate(int modeRGB, int modeAlpha) → void
blendFunc(int sfactor, int dfactor) → void
blendFuncSeparate(int srcRGB, int dstRGB, int srcAlpha, int dstAlpha) → void
bufferData(int target, dynamic data_OR_size, int usage) → void
bufferDataTyped(int target, TypedData data, int usage) → void
Set the bufferData to data.
Deprecated("Use bufferData")">@Deprecated("Use bufferData")
bufferSubData(int target, int offset, dynamic data) → void
bufferSubDataTyped(int target, int offset, TypedData data) → void
Set the bufferSubData to data.
Deprecated("Use bufferSubData")">@Deprecated("Use bufferSubData")
checkFramebufferStatus(int target) int
clear(int mask) → void
clearColor(num red, num green, num blue, num alpha) → void
clearDepth(num depth) → void
clearStencil(int s) → void
colorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha) → void
commit() Future
compileShader(Shader shader) → void
compressedTexImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border, TypedData data) → void
compressedTexSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, int format, TypedData data) → void
copyTexImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border) → void
copyTexSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height) → void
createBuffer() Buffer
createFramebuffer() Framebuffer
createProgram() Program
createRenderbuffer() Renderbuffer
createShader(int type) Shader
createTexture() Texture
cullFace(int mode) → void
deleteBuffer(Buffer? buffer) → void
deleteFramebuffer(Framebuffer? framebuffer) → void
deleteProgram(Program? program) → void
deleteRenderbuffer(Renderbuffer? renderbuffer) → void
deleteShader(Shader? shader) → void
deleteTexture(Texture? texture) → void
depthFunc(int func) → void
depthMask(bool flag) → void
depthRange(num zNear, num zFar) → void
detachShader(Program program, Shader shader) → void
disable(int cap) → void
disableVertexAttribArray(int index) → void
drawArrays(int mode, int first, int count) → void
drawElements(int mode, int count, int type, int offset) → void
enable(int cap) → void
enableVertexAttribArray(int index) → void
finish() → void
flush() → void
framebufferRenderbuffer(int target, int attachment, int renderbuffertarget, Renderbuffer? renderbuffer) → void
framebufferTexture2D(int target, int attachment, int textarget, Texture? texture, int level) → void
frontFace(int mode) → void
generateMipmap(int target) → void
getActiveAttrib(Program program, int index) ActiveInfo
getActiveUniform(Program program, int index) ActiveInfo
getAttachedShaders(Program program) List<Shader>?
getAttribLocation(Program program, String name) int
getBufferParameter(int target, int pname) Object?
getContextAttributes() Map?
getError() int
getExtension(String name) Object?
getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(int target, int attachment, int pname) Object?
getParameter(int pname) Object?
getProgramInfoLog(Program program) String?
getProgramParameter(Program program, int pname) Object?
getRenderbufferParameter(int target, int pname) Object?
getShaderInfoLog(Shader shader) String?
getShaderParameter(Shader shader, int pname) Object?
getShaderPrecisionFormat(int shadertype, int precisiontype) ShaderPrecisionFormat
getShaderSource(Shader shader) String?
getSupportedExtensions() List<String>?
getTexParameter(int target, int pname) Object?
getUniform(Program program, UniformLocation location) Object?
getUniformLocation(Program program, String name) UniformLocation
getVertexAttrib(int index, int pname) Object?
getVertexAttribOffset(int index, int pname) int
hint(int target, int mode) → void
isBuffer(Buffer? buffer) bool
isContextLost() bool
isEnabled(int cap) bool
isFramebuffer(Framebuffer? framebuffer) bool
isProgram(Program? program) bool
isRenderbuffer(Renderbuffer? renderbuffer) bool
isShader(Shader? shader) bool
isTexture(Texture? texture) bool
lineWidth(num width) → void
linkProgram(Program program) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
pixelStorei(int pname, int param) → void
polygonOffset(num factor, num units) → void
readPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, int format, int type, TypedData? pixels) → void
renderbufferStorage(int target, int internalformat, int width, int height) → void
sampleCoverage(num value, bool invert) → void
scissor(int x, int y, int width, int height) → void
shaderSource(Shader shader, String string) → void
stencilFunc(int func, int ref, int mask) → void
stencilFuncSeparate(int face, int func, int ref, int mask) → void
stencilMask(int mask) → void
stencilMaskSeparate(int face, int mask) → void
stencilOp(int fail, int zfail, int zpass) → void
stencilOpSeparate(int face, int fail, int zfail, int zpass) → void
texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, dynamic bitmap_OR_border_OR_canvas_OR_image_OR_pixels_OR_video, [int? format, int? type, TypedData? pixels]) → void
texImage2DTyped(int targetTexture, int levelOfDetail, int internalFormat, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, TypedData data) → void
Sets the currently bound texture to data.
Deprecated("Use texImage2D")">@Deprecated("Use texImage2D")
texImage2DUntyped(int targetTexture, int levelOfDetail, int internalFormat, int format, int type, dynamic data) → void
Sets the currently bound texture to data.
Deprecated("Use texImage2D")">@Deprecated("Use texImage2D")
texParameterf(int target, int pname, num param) → void
texParameteri(int target, int pname, int param) → void
texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int format_OR_width, int height_OR_type, dynamic bitmap_OR_canvas_OR_format_OR_image_OR_pixels_OR_video, [int? type, TypedData? pixels]) → void
texSubImage2DTyped(int targetTexture, int levelOfDetail, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, TypedData data) → void
Updates a sub-rectangle of the currently bound texture to data.
Deprecated("Use texSubImage2D")">@Deprecated("Use texSubImage2D")
texSubImage2DUntyped(int targetTexture, int levelOfDetail, int xOffset, int yOffset, int format, int type, dynamic data) → void
Updates a sub-rectangle of the currently bound texture to data.
Deprecated("Use texSubImage2D")">@Deprecated("Use texSubImage2D")
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uniform1f(UniformLocation? location, num x) → void
uniform1fv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform1i(UniformLocation? location, int x) → void
uniform1iv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform2f(UniformLocation? location, num x, num y) → void
uniform2fv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform2i(UniformLocation? location, int x, int y) → void
uniform2iv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform3f(UniformLocation? location, num x, num y, num z) → void
uniform3fv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform3i(UniformLocation? location, int x, int y, int z) → void
uniform3iv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform4f(UniformLocation? location, num x, num y, num z, num w) → void
uniform4fv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniform4i(UniformLocation? location, int x, int y, int z, int w) → void
uniform4iv(UniformLocation? location, dynamic v) → void
uniformMatrix2fv(UniformLocation? location, bool transpose, dynamic array) → void
uniformMatrix3fv(UniformLocation? location, bool transpose, dynamic array) → void
uniformMatrix4fv(UniformLocation? location, bool transpose, dynamic array) → void
useProgram(Program? program) → void
validateProgram(Program program) → void
vertexAttrib1f(int indx, num x) → void
vertexAttrib1fv(int indx, dynamic values) → void
vertexAttrib2f(int indx, num x, num y) → void
vertexAttrib2fv(int indx, dynamic values) → void
vertexAttrib3f(int indx, num x, num y, num z) → void
vertexAttrib3fv(int indx, dynamic values) → void
vertexAttrib4f(int indx, num x, num y, num z, num w) → void
vertexAttrib4fv(int indx, dynamic values) → void
vertexAttribPointer(int indx, int size, int type, bool normalized, int stride, int offset) → void
viewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

supported bool
Checks if this type is supported on the current platform.