num class sealed

An integer or floating-point number.

It is a compile-time error for any type other than int or double to attempt to extend or implement num.

See also:

Implemented types
Available extensions


hashCode int
Returns a hash code for a numerical value.
no setteroverride
isFinite bool
Whether this number is finite.
no setter
isInfinite bool
Whether this number is positive infinity or negative infinity.
no setter
isNaN bool
Whether this number is a Not-a-Number value.
no setter
isNegative bool
Whether this number is negative.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sign num
Negative one, zero or positive one depending on the sign and numerical value of this number.
no setter
toJS JSNumber

Available on num, provided by the NumToJSExtension extension

Converts this num to a JSNumber.
no setter


abs() num
The absolute value of this number.
ceil() int
The least integer no smaller than this.
ceilToDouble() double
Returns the least double integer value no smaller than this.
clamp(num lowerLimit, num upperLimit) num
Returns this num clamped to be in the range lowerLimit-upperLimit.
compareTo(num other) int
Compares this to other.
floor() int
The greatest integer no greater than this number.
floorToDouble() double
Returns the greatest double integer value no greater than this.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
remainder(num other) num
The remainder of the truncating division of this by other.
round() int
The integer closest to this number.
roundToDouble() double
The double integer value closest to this value.
toDouble() double
This number as a double.
toInt() int
Truncates this num to an integer and returns the result as an int.
toString() String
The shortest string that correctly represents this number.
toStringAsExponential([int? fractionDigits]) String
An exponential string-representation of this number.
toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) String
A decimal-point string-representation of this number.
toStringAsPrecision(int precision) String
A string representation with precision significant digits.
truncate() int
The integer obtained by discarding any fractional digits from this.
truncateToDouble() double
Returns the double integer value obtained by discarding any fractional digits from the double value of this.


operator %(num other) num
Euclidean modulo of this number by other.
operator *(num other) num
Multiplies this number by other.
operator +(num other) num
Adds other to this number.
operator -(num other) num
Subtracts other from this number.
operator /(num other) double
Divides this number by other.
operator <(num other) bool
Whether this number is numerically smaller than other.
operator <=(num other) bool
Whether this number is numerically smaller than or equal to other.
operator ==(Object other) bool
Test whether this value is numerically equal to other.
operator >(num other) bool
Whether this number is numerically greater than other.
operator >=(num other) bool
Whether this number is numerically greater than or equal to other.
operator unary-() num
The negation of this value.
operator ~/(num other) int
Truncating division operator.

Static Methods

parse(String input, [num onError(String input)?]) num
Parses a string containing a number literal into a number.
tryParse(String input) num?
Parses a string containing a number literal into a number.