shutdown abstract method

void shutdown(
  1. SocketDirection direction

Shuts down the socket in the direction.

Calling shutdown will never throw an exception and calling it several times is supported. Calling shutdown with either SocketDirection.both or SocketDirection.receive can result in a RawSocketEvent.readClosed event.

Warning: SocketDirection.receive direction is only considered to be to be fully shutdown once all available data is drained and RawSocketEvent.readClosed is dispatched. Shutting down SocketDirection.receive and SocketDirection.send directions separately without draining the data will lead to socket staying around until the data is drained. This can happen if readEventsEnabled is set to false or if received data is not read in response to these events. This does not apply to shutting down both directions simultaneously using SocketDirection.both which will discard all received data instead.


void shutdown(SocketDirection direction);