Welcome to the Dart API reference documentation, covering the official Dart API libraries. Some of the most fundamental Dart libraries include:
- dart:core: Core functionality such as strings, numbers, collections, errors, dates, and URIs.
- dart:html: DOM manipulation for web apps.
- dart:io: I/O for command-line apps.
Except for dart:core
, you must import a library before you can use it. Here's
an example of importing dart:html
and dart:math
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
You can install more libraries using the pub package manager. For information on finding, using, and publishing libraries with pub, see pub.dartlang.org.
The main site for learning and using Dart is www.dartlang.org. Check out these additional pages:
This API reference is automatically generated from the source code in the Dart project. If you'd like to contribute to this documentation, see Contributing.
- dart:async
Support for asynchronous programming, with classes such as Future and Stream.
- dart:collection
Classes and utilities that supplement the collection support in dart:core.
- dart:convert
Encoders and decoders for converting between different data representations, including JSON and UTF-8.
- dart:core
Built-in types, collections, and other core functionality for every Dart program.
- dart:developer
Interact with developer tools such as the debugger and inspector.
- dart:html
HTML elements and other resources for web-based applications that need to interact with the browser and the DOM (Document Object Model).
- dart:indexed_db
A client-side key-value store with support for indexes.
- dart:io
File, socket, HTTP, and other I/O support for server applications.
- dart:isolate
Concurrent programming using isolates: independent workers that are similar to threads but don't share memory, communicating only via messages.
- dart:js
Support for interoperating with JavaScript.
- dart:math
Mathematical constants and functions, plus a random number generator.
- dart:math
Mathematical constants and functions, plus a random number generator.
- dart:mirrors
Basic reflection in Dart, with support for introspection and dynamic invocation.
- dart:svg
Scalable Vector Graphics: Two-dimensional vector graphics with support for events and animation.
- dart:typed_data
Lists that efficiently handle fixed sized data (for example, unsigned 8 byte integers) and SIMD numeric types.
- dart:web_audio
High-fidelity audio programming in the browser.
- dart:web_gl
3D programming in the browser.
- dart:web_sql
An API for storing data in the browser that can be queried with SQL.