dart:js_util library Null safety

Utility methods to manipulate package:js annotated JavaScript interop objects in cases where the name to call is not known at runtime.

You should only use these methods when the same effect cannot be achieved with @JS() annotations.


callConstructor(Object constr, List<Object?>? arguments) → dynamic
callMethod(Object o, String method, List<Object?> args) → dynamic
getProperty(Object o, Object name) → dynamic
hasProperty(Object o, Object name) bool
instanceof(Object? o, Object type) bool
Check whether o is an instance of type. [...]
jsify(Object object) → dynamic
Recursively converts a JSON-like collection to JavaScript compatible representation. [...]
newObject() → dynamic
promiseToFuture<T>(Object jsPromise) Future<T>
Converts a JavaScript Promise to a Dart Future. [...]
setProperty(Object o, Object name, Object? value) → dynamic